
2. Steps of building a tree

2.1. Make multiple sequence alignment for Globin gene family

Step 1:Download globin.fasta from Blackboard and perform a MSA using MUSCLE (follow the steps we discussed last week).
Step 2:Examine the alignment to make sure it is correct and no additional editing is needed.
Step 2:Export the alignment as a fasta format file on your Desktop. Name it as globin_align

2.2. Find informative sites for Parsimony

Step 1:Open the alignment file you just created by going to using Open file/Session under Data
Step 2:Go to Explore Active Data under Data
Step 3:Click on Pi button and this show site that are informative for Parsimony

2.3. Building Phylogenetic trees

Step 1:Click on Phylogeny
Step 2:

Make Neighbor-Joining tree with Bootstrap 500 replicates

A:What relationships can you see in the tree?
B:What can you say about the statistical support for each relationship?
C:What should be the out-group?
Step 3:

Save the tree as a pdf file by clicking on Image button

Step 4:

Build a tree using Parsimony method with 50 Bootstrap replicates (500 will be very slow).

A:What relationships can you see in the tree?
B:What can you say about the statistical support for each relationship?
C:Do you see the same relationships that you saw with NJ tree?